Community > City of Heroes

Binds vs. Macros

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I have always preferred keybinds to macros, but in yacking with players and the community I found that there's a faction that sees macros as the way to manage special commands, while leaving the key mapping largely the same.

So today I wrote a cute lil' macro to combine Rest with a team message (so the wankers don't run off to the next battle while their big gun is catching up). Works great.

But then I realized the big difference between the two, and the big, big drawback of macros: you can't save them. You can't easily transfer them to other alts or players. If you accidentally delete one (which, of course, I have never ever done), it's gone forever. Binds have a whole set of management tools built in. (OTOH, macros are a tad easier to edit on the fly.)

Macros have their place, especially in rolling-tray command sets. But they're written on the wind, as it were...

I've lost macros due to latency. Screen freezes. Somehow, I drag and drop it into the ether. Aaand it's gone.

I still don't have many binds because there just isn't that much I ever want to do.

The right keybinds  can smooth out the game interface a lot. Combat, healing/buffing, pet control... all much easier with a good bindset.

Macros are a good option to have, but I've come to realize how clunky they are to manage, how fragile, and (in crazy situations) how much more difficult to find and activate with a click. Your keys are always in the same position no matter how many Council come swarming out of that room.

Yeah. I just never need more keys than the 1 to 0 and alt-1 to 0 provides for.

I have one bind: the chat bind that auto puts my name, rank and serial number in the text.


--- Quote from: MyriVerse on June 20, 2019, 12:41:51 PM ---Yeah. I just never need more keys than the 1 to 0 and alt-1 to 0 provides for.

--- End quote ---

Heh. I run 7 trays on every toon now, just as my standard loaded setup. 3 horizontal for 1-0, alt, ctrl. 3 vertical for all the various teleporters and temp pets and rest and such, on some toons the shields go on one of these. just added a square one next to inspirations for fortune/mutation/insp powers and the clicky incarnate powers, or in the case of my farming brute i keep my 3 most used powers here to monitor cooldowns because i have macro versions that trigger them while also combining inspirations to reds. Now not all 7 trays are full on every toon but they're full enough on most. i'd never be able to deal with just two.

Oh and i have things bound to t, y, m, n, b, v, p, u, i, g, and h too :P


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