More Titan Projects > Ouroboros Portal

Need help creating character page


I'm trying to follow the info posted on Ouroboros portal to create my character page but I'm lost (never edited a wiki before).

How do I create my character page?

Do a search on your character name, appended with the server in parentheses. Like so:

Aggelakis (Justice)

Click on the link that says you want to edit/create this page (I forget the wording and am too lazy to look). You now have a blank page at the appropriate URL! Now all you need to do is fill in the details, with templates if you wish, or with just generic text/image blocks.

Also, a very useful thing to do is to [View Code] when not logged in when you are browsing a page that you like the layout of.  It assures that you can't accidentally change the page, and it also helps you to learn how they did what they did to make it look so purrty.


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